Tamanna Hamid (RI)


Tamanna currently works with Beau Rossel to lead the Appraisal Modelling team at BC Assessment, responsible for the application of the Mass Appraisal Process for Residential and Strata residential properties across BC and delivering planning, research, business analysis, solution design, and implementation support to internal stakeholders. She has been with BC Assessment since 2015, and has served the company in a variety roles. Tamanna has completed her Diploma in Urban Land Economics with UBC’s Sauder School of Business, and is designated with the Real Estate Institute of BC since 2019. She has been an active member with the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) since 2018, serving as the President of the IAAO BC Chapter from 2020 to 2022 and currently an active member of the IAAO BC Chapter Board of Directors. She often seeks to make process improvements by leveraging technology and data, enhancing understanding of mass appraisal practices for equitable valuation and taxation as well as supporting professional growth and development for assessment professionals in the industry.